Your transport and logistics partner

A solution for all of your transport needs

KRS Spedition is an expert in finding the most suitable transport options for your products. We have a broad range of services that adapt to all transport needs: by land, sea or air.

We also provide storage and distribution services to help you to manage your transport activities efficiently every day.

Please feel free to contact us to find out more about our premium logistics services.

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A high-quality service for over 10 years

At KRS Spedition, we know that quality, speed and consistent communication are key factors in successful logistics. We address all your concerns relating to the transport of your goods, from hand-off through final delivery. You can trust our expertise and commitment to successful logistics.

Intermodal road transport

KRS Spedition offers a road transport service covering all of Europe, Switzerlan...

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Rail transport

We are delighted to be able to offer rail transport between Europe and China, du...

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Air transport

For fast and reliable delivery of your goods, air transport is an ideal logistic...

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Meet our team

Our team of experienced professionals is set apart by the speed of its response, its consistent communication and, above all, its ability to meet specific transport needs.

Christian Brittner

Sébastian Klar